SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES : Story of a production: Les Films de la Butte
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2019 Story of a production: Les Films de la Butte

Story of a production: Les Films de la Butte

Thursday 22.08, 14:45, Salle Joncas

Les Films de la Butte is a production company started by Nicolas Lesoult in 2006 in Paris, Montmartre. A first box-office success in fiction cinema gave the company the means to initiate a policy of developing feature-length documentaries in complete independence. The first three films produced by les Films de la Butte are focused on characters whose total artistic commitment contributes to shifting our paradigms to the point of inspiring the possibility of another world. These three films are first feature-length films, all three have won awards in international festivals. Two of them will be presented this year at Lussas, Delphine and Carole by Callisto McNulty and Giacinto Scelsi – The First Motion of the Immovable by Sebastiano d’Ayala Valva. The latter was developed during the August encounters of 2014.
We put great emphasis on accompanying projects during their writing phase in the hope that each development will produce a free and singular cinematic style. It is this promise of cinema apparent in the writing that we then strive to defend alongside the filmmakers at each stage of production. We are particularly attentive to the universal message of the films we initiate and to their capacity to cross borders and the language barrier. Indeed we strive to present our proposals at international markets to offer them the best opportunities for financing and exposure. All the documentary features produced by the company are international coproductions (with the majority stake being French).
The company is currently developing ten documentary film projects of which seven have found financing right from the writing stage.
Sophie de Hijes joined les Films de la Butte as a producer in 2015. She was the initiator of Callisto McNulty’s film Delphine and Carole, among others.

Nicolas Lesoult

Encounter moderated by Sylvie Plunian (producer, Les Films de la pluie).
In the presence of Nicolas Lesoult (producer, Les Films de la Butte).