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À l'école, je parle deux langues
( Une éducation européenne )

Philippe Thomine
1997 - 42 min - Betacam SP - Couleur - France

In a few regions of Europe, as early as in nursery school, children receive their education half in their mother tongue and half in a second language that they acquire in this way little by little, by "immersion".
In Italy in the Val d’Aoste, in Alsace and in Luxemburg, this investigation shows different forms of this early bilingual teaching and reveals the exceptional linguistic ability of young children.
Specialists such as Claude Hagège, Anna Lietti, Jean Petit consider, in their commentary, the human, educational and cultural implications, as well as the linguistic, political and economic implications of this kind of education.
Doesn’t bilingual schooling allow us to imagine today the European school of tomorrow ?


Distributor : CAVUM (Centre audiovisuel de l'université de Metz)
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