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À la recherche du temps vécu
François Lebrun : historien
Pierre-François Lebrun
2004 - 53 min - DV Cam 16/9 - Couleur - France

In the late fifties, a real revolution shatters the historical research world. Historians start to be interested in the millions of unidentified who have been for centuries the silent majority of people from cities and countries. Among these innovators, François Lebrun, a young high-school teacher from Angers, passionated about local history, steps into the breach. For more than thirty years, he has tried to approach on the field and also with the help from archives and rare written documents, the life of humbles and gradeless. Family, medicine, religion, superstitions will be the major themes of his important work.
This movie is an invitation to meet the historian and his work, and also to travel into the universe and the life of western France men, four centuries ago.

Author-Director : Pierre-François Lebrun
Delegate Producer : Averia
Broadcasting Co-producer : France 3 Ouest
Contribution : CNC, Procirep, Région Pays de la Loire, Université Rennes 2


Distributor : Averia
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