SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Looking for the Music of Antiquity
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2021 Sacem Day Looking for the Music of Antiquity

Looking for the Music of Antiquity
Bernard George
2021 - France - Couleur - 52'

2021 Sacem award for best music documentary A papyrus long forgotten in a storeroom in the Louvre is being revealed. The Greek text that covers it is barely legible and there are strange little signs above it. It is in fact a very ancient musical score. From Delphi to Pompeii, from Egyptian temples to new technology laboratories, this film invites us to follow the work of scientists who are passionate about antique sound worlds. Through their discoveries, the musical instruments come back to life and the scores are deciphered to allow us to hear the music of Antiquity again. Delivery of the Sacem award for Best music documentary by Béatrice Thiriet.

Photography : Jean-Louis Laforêt, Amr Mohamed, Jérôme Olivier
Sound : Florent Ravalec, Clément Lemariey
Editing : Pierre-Joseph Licidé
Music : Mathias Duplessy, Karol Beffa
Production : O2B Films