SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Ce n’est qu’après
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2019 Viewing experiences Ce n’est qu’après

Ce n’est qu’après
Vincent Pouplard
2019 - France - Couleur - 29'

They are barely twenty years old. They are robust, frail, skilled. They are Allia, Hamza, Kilian and Maëlis. They spend time saying who they are, naming what they are, hollow and full. Vox clamantis in deserto and we listen. The film is their imprint.

Photography : Julien Bossé
Sound : Jérémie Halbert, Aude Rabillon, Martin Gracinceau
Editing : David Zard
Music : Carla Pallone, Aymeric Chaslerie
Production : Deuxième Ligne Films