SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Double You Double You
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2019 Viewing experiences Double You Double You

Double You Double You
Laure Cottin Stefanelli
2019 - Belgique/France - Couleur - 18'

How does work, sport, cultural and sexual norms define one's body and identity? How do we determine our own image, and through which dilemmas do we go about to achieve this? Double You Double You reenacts the stages of a bodybuilding competition. Jennifer Teuwen is the only athlete to compete and the camera is her only audience. The film stages the scopic drive – watching being watched endlessly – and offers a visual and auditory, sensuous and sensorial exploration of Jennifer's body.

Photography : Vincent Pinckaers
Sound : Raf Enckels, Bruno Schweisguth, Elias Vervecken
Editing : Laure Cottin Stefanelli
Production : Laure Cottin Stefanelli, CVB, Atelier Cinéma du Gsara, Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles Arts Plastiques – CCAP, HerculesLab – KASK School of Arts