SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Fascination
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2021 Doc History: Hungary, at the Béla Balázs Studio Fascination

Fascination ( Igézet )
István Bácskai Lauró
1963 - Hongrie - Couleur - 22'

The art of metallurgy, music and cinema: all three are united in this sumptuous experimental film. Breaking free of any need to inform, the observation of production procedures is recomposed like in a piece of concrete music based on visual and audio objects. The mute weight of matter and the virtuoso agility of workers are connected as if by a magic ribbon. Film becomes the art of synaesthesia and organic poetry: the style evokes films by Vertov, Ivens, Resnais, Mitry. A true film on work which, with much subtlety, puts manual and artistic work on the same plane, without a trace of ideology. (F. R.)

Photography : János Tóth
Sound : János Arató, György Pintér
Editing : Zoltán Kerényi, Mihály Morell
Music : Péter Eötvös
Production : Balász Béla Stúdió, Hunnia Filmstúdió