SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - War of Cents
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2019 Reruns War of Cents

War of Cents
Nader S. Ayache
2019 - France - Couleur - 37'

This film depicts the lives of two bike couriers during a delivery in Paris. Omar and Marwen are both foreigners and came to France to pursue their dreams. They find themselves pedaling to survive. Through this intimate double portrait, we discover the everyday life of many young students, but also fathers, who risk their necks in order to get by in a new economic system.

Photography : Nader S. Ayache
Sound : Emmanuel Desguez, Marwen Gallala
Editing : Samar Banawaz, Nader S. Ayache
Music : Marwen Gallala
Production : GREC