SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Le Défilé de mode
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2021 Reruns Le Défilé de mode

Le Défilé de mode ( Öndivatbemutató )
Tibor Hajas
1976 - Hongrie - Noir & Blanc - 14'

Tibor Hajas (1946-1980) only lived thirty-four years, but was one of the most multi-talented, influential and provocative members of the Hungarian neo-avant-garde. His performances mixed political and artistic intentions. In this film, passers-by picked by chance on the streets of Budapest are invited to present themselves to the camera while off-screen commentaries evaluate their performances by giving them instructions. The film shows not only the difference between self-perception and the view of others, but also presents an extraordinary glimpse of the mindset and socio-political conditions of the time. (F. R.)

Photography : Gábor Dobos
Sound : Béla Prohászka
Editing : Gábor Bódy
Production : Balász Béla Stúdió