SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Path of Cessation
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2019 Fragment of a filmmaker’s work: Robert E. Fulton Path of Cessation

Path of Cessation
Robert E. Fulton
1974 - États-Unis - Couleur - 54'

“We are not tricked into the belief that we’ve visited Tibet by proxy. Here is the wonder of your works, Bob: that you know, always, whatever part of the World you bounce light off, you are in yr. own backyard ... albeit all these strange (and familiar) creatures move thru that infinite ‘yard’ of yr. mind. How simply wonderful.... Each film a growth: all of the same spirit. What more can I say but... Thanks!” (Stan Brakhage)

Photography : Robert E. Fulton
Sound : Robert E. Fulton
Editing : Robert E. Fulton
Production : Robert E. Fulton