SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Une nuit à l’opéra
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2020 Reruns Une nuit à l’opéra

Une nuit à l’opéra ( A Night at the Opera )
Sergueï Loznitsa
2020 - France - Noir & Blanc - 19'

Using archive images, Sergei Loznitsa revisits the gala evenings organized at the Palais Garnier in the fifties and sixties. Between prestige and protocol, these evenings gathered both celebrities and ordinary people who came by the thousands from the Place de l’Opéra to watch this spectacle, of which the director amusingly brings out the irony…

Online on Tënk: 17.08, 21:00 > 23.08, 00:00

Photography : Sergueï Loznitsa
Sound : Vladimir Golovnitski
Editing : Danielus Kokanauskis
Production : Les Films Pelléas