Les États généraux du film documentaire 2020 Tënk


For the États généraux du film documentaire, as for many other festivals, this edition embodies a breaking point, the effects of which we can assess only partly. To use a famous quote by Pierre Dac: “It is often too early to see if it is already too late.”As the festival could not take its usual form in 2020, it had to present itself in a different way.
From 16 August, for two weeks in a row, Tënk will turn its programming upside down to let the films from the États généraux du film documentaire fill the whole space. Some of these films will be available on tenk.fr until 25 October. In this way, Tënk wants to accompany the journey of these films online and also intends to remind its subscribers of the importance of the collective experience of cinema in a screening room.
The aim is to come together differently. Although in a reduced format, Tënk will present an in situ programme developed with its partners, either indoors, outdoors or in private homes.
First, let’s make way for creation! Tënk has contributed to the birth of new films since 2018, through a process aiming to support creation. The first films have now seen the light of day. Six of them will be presented as of Monday, 17 August on three afternoons dedicated to screenings and discussions, in the presence of the directors and of our partners: Sophie Dufau, journalist at Mediapart, Christophe Pauly, national secretary of the F3C-CFDT, Pascale Cassagnau, head of audiovisual and new media collections at the Cnap, and also Walid Bekhti, subscriber of Tënk and member of the 2019 “Films en route” commission.
Since documentary cinema is political and can raise awareness, we will host a round table on the theme of collapsology starting from the film Quand on sait by Emmanuel Cappellin. Tënk will lead the debate in the presence of the film crew and of guests specialized in the subject.
At the time of the sound siesta, the France Culture radio programme LSD, La Série Documentaire will present a premiere broadcast of an episode from the series Tahiti de l’autre côté du miroir. In the presence of Perrine Kervran, producer and host of LSD.
Finally, let’s make way for local life with a series of screenings in private homes in the villages surrounding Lussas. Tënk will support the festival in organizing some of these screenings.
These États généraux du film documentaire will not resemble those of the previous years. Like many other festivals this year, putting them together was tricky. We are happy that Tënk can be part of it, closely followed by our partners, whether they are from the media or from institutions, broadcasters or unions. The 2020 edition of the États généraux du film documentaire is here, it holds enough experiences and stimuli for future editions. It is here to remind us that creative documentary is more alive than ever.

The Tënk team

In the presence of the directors and/or producers.