SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES : Département de l'Ardèche
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2022 Département de l'Ardèche

Département de l'Ardèche

Our Ardèche Département is home to a series festivals that resound all year long. During the final week of August, Lussas becomes, in particular, the world capital of documentary film; we find ourselves amongst local and regional people, sharing impassioned discussions with our neighbours from other regions, confronting our points of view with friends and strangers, from far or near, from Europe, Cuba, Japan or elsewhere… All of us gathered in these magnificent highlands of the Coiron around the États généraux du film documentaire which, each year, strives to make intellectually understandable and emotionally accessible our ever more complex world.
To this adventure promoted by Ardèche Images, the Ardèche Département is proud to contribute so that it may continue to exist and develop alongside the companies of the sector that become established in Lussas by joining L’Imaginaire, forming a totally unique and exemplary ecosystem in a rural territory such as ours.
All this would not have been possible without the persistence and commitment of Jean-Paul Roux, Mayor of Lussas and President of the Communauté de communes Berg et Coiron, himself a passionate fan of documentary and who left us this year: we wish to thank him sincerely and to pay homage to his exceptional contributions to Ardèche.
We also wish to thank the entire team of Ardèche Images as well as the numerous volunteers mobilised in this associative adventure that has lasted for soon thirty-five years and we extend to each one of you our wishes for an États généraux both dense and generous, in the image of our territory.