SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES : Presentation of documentary support of the CNC
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2022 Presentation of documentary support of the CNC

Presentation of documentary support of the CNC

Friday 26.08, 10:00, Salle L’Imaginaire

The CNC will be organising a workshop around some of its aid funds for documentary, from the phase of writing to production of projects.
The Audiovisual support fund, Innovation fund, Images of Diversity, Visual and Audio creativity, Advance on box office earnings, Aid to World Cinema, CNC Talent, the support structures for documentary at the CNC are diverse. They will be briefly presented in an introduction, then the workship will focus specifically on the presentation of the Audiovisual Innovation Fund for creative documentary (writing, development and reinforced development) as well as the Audiovisual Support Funds (selective and automatic). The specificities and complementarity of each fund will be discussed as well as the requirements and expectations of the selection commissions.
The meeting will give the opportunity to present examples of projects that have received support at different stages of their production and their financing process.

Workshop presented by Mélanie Bensoussan and Juliette Moreau, project managers at the Audiovisual Direction and Marine Coatalem, head of the Audiovisual Innovation Aid Fund within the Direction of Creation, Territories and Publics.