3 Siblings
Sheena Rossiter
2018 - 22 min - Vidéo Full HD - Couleur - Brésil, Canada

English summary
Ludmylla, Victor and Ângelo are three siblings with different gender identities and sexual orientations. Born and raised in one of São Paulo's favelas, they bring us into their world during the city's LGBT Pride Month.
Every year, São Paulo hosts one of the world's largest Pride Parades to celebrate Brazil's LGBT community. But homophobia and transphobia are still rampant in South America's largest nation. These three siblings show us how they face these societal challenges everyday, and how it impacts their relationships with each other.


Distributeur : Aug&Ohr Medien


2018 - International Female Film Festival Malmo, Malmö (Suède) : Sélection
2018 - Festival International Signes de Nuit, Urbino (Italie) : Sélection
2018 - FAVA - Film and Video Arts Society Alberta, Edmonton (Canada) : Sélection