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À grands pas
Sophie-Charlotte Gautier
2006 - 51 min - DV Cam - Couleur - France

Laetitia is 11 years old, the age of a passage. In a few days, it is summer, holidays, freedom... And the beginning of a new life. Countdown has started, tomorrow, we say goodbye and Monday we'll be in Orleans.
Laetitia dreams of love, independence and adventure, then leaving Strasbourg is like already leaving a bit childhood. As months pass Laetitia confesses to the camera her feelings, questions, dreams and fears coming from the changes in her life. This film tells the story of a little
girl who grows up and dreams about her destiny. It suggests to know the different faces of Laetitia at the age of the possible ones.

Author-Director : Sophie-Charlotte Gautier
Delegate Producer : Les Éditions du réel
Broadcasting Co-producer : France 3 Alsace
Broadcasting Co-producer : Images Plus
Contribution : CNC, DRAC Alsace, Agence culturelle d'Alsace, Communauté urbaine de Lyon


Distributor : Les Éditions du réel
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