Présentement aucune image
À l'autre bout du paysage
Alissone Perdrix, Gaëlle Vicherd
2011 - 35 min - Digital vidéo - Couleur - France

The landscapes in question are those which Palestinian children living in refugee camps in Jordan imagine as they draw on postcards. On the back of each card is a drawing of a town they don’t know. Athens, New York, Paris... On the other side, a text describing their feelings towards the towns.
Later, Amal looks at the images of these children reading their text, showing people their drawings. She translates and being herself a Palestinian exile, links in the dreams of these children with her own experiences and scars. The accounts blend and interweave with each other, points of view shift and put together a splintered geography of contemporary Palestine.


Distributor : Gaëlle Vicherd
Distributor : Alissone Perdrix
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2011 - FIDMarseille (Festival International de Cinéma), Marseille (France) : Sélection Écrans parallèles