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Abracadabra Série-Collection : Salut l'artiste

Jérôme Duval
2000 - 50 min - Digital vidéo - Couleur - France

Jack is a magician who often mixes show and the reality of life. In 1998, following a legal battle which turned against him, he decided to attach himself to the Palais de Justice in Paris surrounded by fake explosives. For him this act was only another "magic trick", since according to him : "life is just a show". But the authorities gave a different interpretation...
The film tells the story of this artiste who today is paying the consequences of his actions, but seems to wish to change nothing in his magician’s outlook... and this "magic" way of looking at the world.

Author-Director : Jérôme Duval
Delegate Producer : Karédas


Distributor : Karédas
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