Africa, Street Jobs
( Afrique, les métiers de la rue )

Sébastien Tézé, Guy Josué Foumane
2009 - 13 min - DV Cam - France

They wash cars, sell fruit, sand from a pirogue or medicine, make cooking pots, crack stones, or hunt snakes... All of them have street jobs. On the African continent, non-official economy has become the first source of income for the inhabitants. In the streets, all kinds of trade can take place; streets and pavements are perfect premises for the flowering of all human resources. Nowadays, two city-dwellers out of three live on makeshift means. Everyone can find a place and create a "business". This is the only way to survive in societies in which economy is booming and inequality permanently increasing. In Yaoundé, Cameroon’s capital city, we follow people in their day-to-day lives and survival jobs. Through ten portraits of street workers, we show a certain aspect of African reality.

Author-Director : Sébastien Tézé, Guy Josué Foumane
Delegate Producer : 2PG Pictures
Co-producer : Les Films d'un jour
Co-producer : Harmattan Production


Distributor : 2PG Pictures
Not commercial Distribution : ADAV
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