Afrique du Sud, portraits chromatiques
( South Africa, Chromatic Portraits )

Valérie Urréa, Nathalie Masduraud
2014 - 52 min - HD - Couleur - France

'"South Africa, chromatic portraits" reflects forty years of South Africa's contemporary history through the lens of its major documentary photographers. From David Goldblatt (the mentor of South African documentary photography), to the members of the historical collective Afrapix (an independent agency based on the model of Magnum), the film takes us from 1976 to today, according to the chronological thread of major political events.
Emerged from the apartheid's drama, this political, artistic and unique commitment has inspired a new generation. Jodi Bieber, Pieter Hugo or Zanele Muholi, heirs of those values, took over this "weapon" and witness of the contemporary South African history with strength and talent.
From struggle photography to the current visual activism, "South Africa, chromatic portraits" is not only a historical movie but as well and moreover the promise of a reflection on the power of the picture, a thought on documentary photography and the commitment of the artist. "South Africa, chromatic portraits" is about another way of looking at the world.

Author-Director : Valérie Urréa, Nathalie Masduraud
Photography : Félix Seuffert
Sound : Sébastien Dunn
Editing : Sandra Schultze, Valérie Urréa
Delegate Producer : Axe Sud
Broadcasting Co-producer : ARTE France
Contribution : Scam - Brouillon d'un rêve, CNC. COSIP, Procirep, Angoa-Agicoa


Distributor : Windrose Distribution