Algéries intimes
L'Histoire par la Bande
Nathalie Marcault
2008 - 30 min - HDV - Couleur - France

In 2005, the drawer Morvandiau starts an investigation on the past of his Pied-Noir (“black feet”) family. Two years of investigation, documentation and meetings give birth to "d’Algerie" (From Algeria) that gives an overview of 80 years of Franco-Algerian relationships around a family story. Morvandiau goes in search for his mysterious origins to understand who he really is. This film presents this quest for identity that begins in Marseille, starting point for a travel to Algeria.
This travel will present other important places in our author’s history. While reviewing a part of his important iconographical material allowing him to create his narration, he will question the intimate relationship he has with Algeria.

Author-Director : Nathalie Marcault
Photography : Bertrand Latouche
Sound : Corinne Gigon, Éric Bouillon
Editing : Bruno Le Roux
Delegate Producer : Vivement lundi !
Broadcasting Co-producer : TV Rennes 35
Contribution : CNC, Région Bretagne


Distributor : Vivement lundi !
Not commercial Distribution : ADAV
Circulation-Consultation : Musée national de l'Histoire de l'immigration
Disponible au Club du doc


2008 - Festival du Film Francophone d'Angoulême, Angoulême (France) : Sélection