Alptraum - The Last Great Adventure
( Alptraum - Das Letzte Abenteuer )

Manuel Lobmaier, Steve Walker
2016 - 88 min - Video Full HD - Couleur - Suisse

Take some time off and feel the nature. That was the goal of the two childhood friends Manu and Robin. Armed with a camera, a manual and plenty of enthusiasm, they decide to take on the adventure of being on an alpine pasture, during the summer.
To revive their old friendship, find freedom and make a film about their time on the alp. But their dream fades gradually and relentlessly as the inhospitable environment, rivalries generated by the presence of a shepherdess, sick and finally perished livestock take their toll. The result is an alpine film devoid of embellished cows and Swiss crosses, but is instead unsparing, shocking and utterly honest – and at times incredibly funny.

Author-Director : Manuel Lobmaier, Steve Walker
Photography : Manuel Lobmaier
Sound : Manuel Lobmaier
Editing : Stephan Heiniger, Manuel Lobmaier
Delegate Producer : Parasol Films
Cast : Manuel Lobmaier


Distributor : MovieBiz Films


2017 - Independent Days International Filmfest, Karlsruhe (Allemagne) : Sélection
2017 - Solothurner Filmtage - Journées de Soleure, Solothurn (Suisse) : Sélection
2017 - Trento Film Festival, Trento (Italie) : Sélection
2016 - Visions du Réel, Nyon (Suisse) : Sélection