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Sebastiano D'Ayala Valva
2011 - 62 min - DV Cam - Couleur - France

In Paris everybody knows him as the “big woman”. But his real name is Angel. Angel is a former boxer from Ecuador, now a transsexual prostitute in France. His mission in life is to support his family back home through prostitution. The time has now come for him to see what his help has achieved over the years. In his first trip home since he left Ecuador, Mujeron is confronted with the harsh reality of his country again and with the ambiguity of the relationship with his family.
By following his fascinating path, “Angel” is an immersion into the complex reality of sexuality in Ecuador and the issue of migrants’ economic remittances. But, above all, it is the story a touching individual and his solitary fight for justice and acceptance.

Available in 52 min. © 2009

Author-Director : Sebastiano D'Ayala Valva
Photography : Sebastiano D'Ayala Valva
Sound : Frédéric Commault
Editing : Sebastiano D'Ayala Valva
Delegate Producer : Kanari Films
Broadcasting Co-producer : Odyssée, la chaîne documentaire
Broadcasting Co-producer : Pink TV
Broadcasting Pre-purchase : Odyssée, la chaîne documentaire
Contribution : CNC. Avance sur recettes, Procirep, Angoa-Agicoa


Distributor : Kanari Films
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