Jean-Michel Corillion
2000 - 52 min - Beta digital - Couleur - France, Belgique, Italie

The Asmat people live on the southwestern coast of western Papua, and their land has long remained free of outsiders.
Today, Biwar Laut is one of the largest villages on Asmat territory, and it is there that Rufinus, a 20 year old Asmat, will be married. Before that however, he must capture and kill a cassowary.
If he succeeds, this ritualistic act will renew and perpetuate the ancient traditions of his people.
Parallel to the wedding of a young Asmat, spectacular and rare stock film retraces the history of this terrifying people.

Author-Director : Jean-Michel Corillion
Sound : Olivier Lelièvre
Editing : Thierry Leray
Delegate Producer : Zed (Zoo Ethnological Documentary)
Broadcasting Co-producer : Odyssée, la chaîne documentaire, TV5
Broadcasting Co-producer : RAI 3 (Italie)
Broadcasting Co-producer : RTBF Bruxelles, Canal plus Belgique SA
Contribution : CNC


Distributor : Zed distribution
Not commercial Distribution : ADAV
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