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Mischa Hedinger
2013 - 49 min - XDCAM HD - Couleur - Suisse

Mr. Strässle drove his motorcycle into a wall. Mrs. Speck was left by her husband after being diagnosed with a brain tumor. Mr. Nimani is suffering from depression since the war in Yugoslavia.
They are all dependent on government benefits in Switzerland. In an assessment, representatives of the social insurance companies and the social services evaluate their situation. Within an hour an integration plan is devised, in order to reintegrate the person concerned into the labor market.
The film looks behind the scenes of the welfare state and reveals the discussions marked by power and helplessness between experts and persons concerned.

Author-Director : Mischa Hedinger
Photography : David Röthlisberger, Severin Kuhn
Sound : Mischa Hedinger, Jonas Cslovjecsek
Editing : Mischa Hedinger
Delegate Producer : Ton und Bild GmbH
Broadcasting Co-producer : SRF (Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen)
Contribution : Berner Filmförderung


Distributor : Ton und Bild GmbH


2014 - dokKa, Karlsruhe (Allemagne) : Sélection