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Au bonheur des planches
Yolande Josèphe
2004 - 52 min - Beta numérique - Couleur - France

This film relates the human adventure of an original theatrical experience lead within the psychiatric wards 11 and 14 in the Yvelines (Hôpital de Plaisir, CMP and CATTP –France-).
Since 1997, due to the nurses’ impulsion, supported and helped by the Head of medicine Dejonghe, their comedian partners Isabelle Vazeille and Hélène Zanicolli; the “Planches à Pins” (Pines Board) company bands together, outside of the hospital, patients and carers.
Within this warm group where everyone shares the tribulations and joys of being comedians, patients recover their lost confidence and their citizen’s place; carers discover an unsuspected richness in their partners and their perception is transformed.
In the first place, the company was linked to the Charcot hospital but it is now part of the ARAPS (Association pour la réflexion et l'action psychosociale communautaire/ Association in favour of communitarian analysis and psychosocial action) and open to all the members of this association.


Distributor : Local films
Not commercial Distribution : Images de la culture (CNC)
Circulation-Consultation : BnF (Bibliothèque nationale de France). Département de l'Audiovisuel
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