Clément Cogitore
2017 - 50 min - 16 mm - Couleur - Finlande, France

In the middle of the Siberian taiga, seven hundred kilometres from the nearest village, two families have settled: the Braguine and the Kaline. They live self sufficiently, following their own rules and principles. In the middle of the village, a barrier. The two families refuse to speak to each other.
On an island in the river, another community has formed: that of the children. Free, unpredictable, wild. Amid the fear of the other and of wild beasts, and the joy offered by the immensity of the forest, a cruel tale plays out, in which tension and fear outline the geography of an ancestral conflict.

Author-Director : Clément Cogitore
Photography : Sylvain Verdet
Editing : Pauline Gaillard
Original Music : Eric Bentz
Delegate Producer : Seppia Film
Co-producer : Making Movies Oy
Broadcasting Co-producer : ARTE France
Broadcasting Co-producer : YLE (Finlande)


Distributor : Seppia Film
DVD Editing : Capuseen, Blaq out
VOD : Capuseen


2019 - États généraux du film documentaire, Lussas (France) : "Journée SACEM - Une journée avec Eric Bentz"
2017 - FIDMarseille (Festival International de Cinéma), Marseille (France) : Mentions spéciales Prix des Lycéens et Compétition internationale
2017 - Prix LE BAL, Paris (France) : 1er prix