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Bruegel est japonais
Marc Lobet
1995 - 15 min - 16 mm - Couleur - Belgique

Beyond an often stereotyped image, there is an everyday Japan, a true Japan, with life in the country and in the villages, a Japan of nature and good living.
By visual equivalents between Bruegel paintings and scenes filmed today in Belgium and Japan, the film demonstrates universal values and gestures, a willingly hedonist spirit which matches Bruegel's truculence. It shows what brings two populations together in the sometimes highly-coloured and poetical daily pleasures of existence : the rhythm of the seasons, the requirements of work in the fields and fishing, festivals with food and drink, singing and dancing together.
With no commentary, only by the interlacing of pictures and sounds, the film is a sort of emotional choreography that is more lyrical than demonstrative.


Distributor : Salammbô
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