Africadoc Ça vibre dans nos têtes
Ça vibre dans nos têtes
( Made in Mali )
Série-Collection : Lumière d’Afrique

Kassim Sanogo
2008 - 52 min - DV Cam - Couleur - France

My name is Kassim Sanogo called – by his friends of Korofina – King Kass. I live in Korofina, district of Bamako (city 1) as the majority of the underground actors in Bamako. To make a living, we are hairdressers or clothes sellers, or we deal everything, and I, I am about to finish my philosophy thesis but I am the exception and come back from far away ...
Here, most of my friends come from scattered family due to exodus, civil war (from Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast), poverty, students without money who broke up with their family...
Anyway, we all have the desire to get out of here and stop hearing moral lessons from wealthy people. Here, unless we stop dying, we will always want to get out of here, that is what we say in our music that is the reason why it is so strong... our daily life is Rap; there is trouble between those who mimic the "Toubabs" (white persons) and those like me with my band "Mandé Mifa". But the real war is between those who have recorded something and those who have not, every hit is possible, they stole from us because when something is on the underground it is considered creation. Here, children eat, smoke, dance rap from dawn to dusk: it thrills in their head. Within the Mifa (reverse of family in French) of Korofina, I offer you to discover the people who have nothing but great dreams that can come true in one day. The dream of recording a CD and getting out of the underground…

Author-Director : Kassim Sanogo
Photography : Moustapha Diallo
Sound : Ismael Diallo
Editing : Sériba Diarra
Delegate Producer : Zarafa Films
Broadcasting Co-producer : Télénantes
Contribution : TLSP (Union des Télévisions Locales de Service Public), CNC


Distributor : Zaradoc Films
Not commercial Distribution : ADAV
DVD Editing : Doc Net Films
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