Fabrice Tempo
2022 - 51 min - Super 8 mm & vidéo Full HD - Couleur et Noir & Blanc - France

The chest of life (Sandouk el dounia), surveys Cairo, the magnificent and monstrous city to crunch its salt, catch stories and draw a world that disappears. Two great storytellers examine the people of Cairo in their contradictions, their joie de vivre and their fatalism.
Archives and animations accompany Golo (comic book author who arrived in Cairo in the 1970s) and Alaa El Aswany (the most translated Egyptian dentist and writer) to paint a portrait of a city where fire is smoldering under the ashes of an aborted revolution.

Author-Director : Fabrice Tempo
Photography : Jean-Marie Boulet
Sound : Benoît Stefani
Editing : Jules Marquis
Original Music : Stefani Benoit, Sébastien Souchois
Delegate Producer : JMF Productions
Broadcasting Co-producer : Vosges Télévision Images Plus
Contribution : CNC. COSIP, Région Haute-Normandie


Distributor : JMF Productions