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Castaneda, etc. Série-Collection : L' Œil du cyclone

Marie Arnaud
1994 - 26 min - Super 16 mm & Hi 8 - Couleur - France

Carlos Castaneda, the mythical writer who was initiated by a Mexican sorcerer died in 1972. This film is a journey into his world and his universe. Moving between fiction and reality Marie Arnaud met those close to the writer who told of their encounters with the author of "The devil's herb and the little smoke".

Author-Director : Marie Arnaud
Author : Véronique Skawinska
Photography : Didier Lichtlin
Sound : Jean-Louis Garnier
Editing : Nini-Evelyne Ranaivoarivony, Nini-Evelyne Ranaivoarivony
Delegate Producer : Marie Arnaud, ADR Productions
Broadcasting Co-producer : Canal plus
Contribution : CNC


Distributor : Jacques Debs
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