What my Heart Desires
Chantal Richard
2016 - 76 min - HD - Couleur - France

How do you fulfil your dreams when you're 20 years old and living in a small isolated village in the Senegalese Sahel? While searching for friendship, love and ways to make contacts overseas, day by day Ibrahima, Djiby and Abou are building a double life for themselves on Facebook. Sending messages in a bottle, writing their diaries? Their posts and research on social media are their only link with the outside world - our world from which they know they are excluded.

Author-Director : Chantal Richard
Photography : Chantal Richard
Sound : Jérôme Descamps
Editing : Agnès Mouchel
Delegate Producer : Arsenal productions
Contribution : Région Basse-Normandie, CNC. Aide à l'écriture, Scam


Distributor : Arsenal productions
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