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Ce qu'on a fait à Florennes : Genespotting I
Collectif Les Films en compote
2003 - 15 min - Super 8 mm & DV - Couleur - Belgique

What we did at Florennes, or how to destroy a field of GM crops without really trying. On 7 September 2002, a group of citizens gathered in the town of Florennes (near Namur, Belgium) to carry out Europe’s first ever Genespotting action. They came to inspect a field trial of GM rapeseed, and debate with the mayor of the town and the farmer. However, no sooner had they arrived, than they discovered that the field in question had miraculously "disappeared"... In this "home movie" shot in Super 8, those who took part describe their memories of the day, and the lessons they draw from the "success" of this exercise in non-violent "direct interaction".

Author-Director : Collectif Les Films en compote
Delegate Producer : Helen Holder
Co-producer : Gourna Films


Distributor : Helen Holder
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