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Ce sont les luttes qui font l'histoire
Peuple et Culture de Corrèze
2003 - 53 min - Digital vidéo - Couleur - France

On the Sunday 22nd of June 2003, the police forces put José Bové under arrest to take him to jail. The following day starts a cycle of demonstrations everywhere in France. In Tulle, every Wednesday is the meeting day in front of the court and actors of the spring social movement gather to defend union rights.
On the 14th of July, 300 militants, following the calling of the farmers’ Confederation, go to the French president’s museum in Sarran. Facing the president’s obstinacy in his speech, they decide to force the museum’s entry to give a present. Two weeks later, the public prosecutor decides, on a ministerial order, to come back on his declarations and not to appeal; José Bové is freed. The next week starts the Larzac gathering.
Why say no to GMO? What are the WBO and the AGCS? How will those agreements turn our daily lives upside down?


Distributor : Peuple et Culture de Corrèze
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