Chante ton bac d'abord
David André
2013 - 82 min - Non spécifié - Couleur - France

"Chante ton bac d’abord" is a societal documentary and off-beat musical that tells the turbulent yet poetic tale of a "gang" of 17 years olds in Boulogne-sur-Mer: a French city of 45,000 inhabitants hard hit by de-industrialization. The ideas for the songs came from the teenagers themselves, and were brought into being by the production team who created the text, music and images. In the songs, the harsh reality expressed in the text gives way to magic, humour and dreams…

Author-Director : David André
Photography : Thibault Delavigne
Sound : Laurent Rodriguez
Editing : Bruno Joucla
Original Music : David André
Delegate Producer : Brotherfilms
Co-producer : Bodega Films
Broadcasting Co-producer : France Télévisions


Distributor : Brotherfilms


2015 - Scam, Paris (France) : Étoile de la Scam
2014 - FIPA (Festival International de Programmes Audiovisuels), Biarritz (France) : FIPA D'Or Documentaire de création
2014 - FIGRA Festival International du Grand Reportage d'Actualité et du Documentaire de Société, Le Touquet (France) : Projection spéciale