Desperately Seeking White Zone
Marc Khanne
2013 - 58 min - HD - Couleur - France

Because of the current explosion of artificial electromagnetic waves, some people are seeing their lives seriously troubled - both socially and health wise. They are known as "Electrohypersensitive". They have to protect themselves against mobile phone technology and Wi-Fi, but where can they go?
They are desperately asking for wave-free zones, “White Zones”. In the meantime they make their homes in caves, basements, forests…

Author-Director : Marc Khanne
Photography : Marc Khanne, Thierry Maybon, Laurence Vasselin
Sound : Jean-Luc Galvan, Marc Khanne
Original Music : Lone Kent
Delegate Producer : ARTIS
Broadcasting Co-producer : Vosges Télévision Images Plus
Contribution : Département de l'Ardèche, CNC. Direction de la Culture, CNC. COSIP


Distributor : ARTIS
Disponible au Club du doc


2015 - Millenium - Festival international du documentaire, Bruxelles (Belgique) : Panorama "Connaître l'Autre"