Red Hair and Black Coffee
Milena Bochet
2012 - 56 min - Vidéo HD - Couleur - Belgique, France

Hermanovce, Slovak Republic.
A Romany village located deep down in the valley, with old shacks and newer concrete ones.
A spirit is wandering around… the spirit of Vozarania, the ancestor that still passes things on... from mother to daughter.
Four Romany women tell us about their day-to-day life through ancient habits, along with words that travel near borders with different worlds…
Stories about red hair and black coffee… About transmitting from generations to others but also about forgetting…

Author-Director : Milena Bochet
Photography : Dominique Henry
Sound : Ludovic Van Pachtebeke
Editing : Karima Saidi
Delegate Producer : Iota production
Co-producer : Graphoui, Perspective Films
Co-producer : CBA (Centre Bruxellois de l'Audiovisuel)
Co-producer : Gsara
Contribution : Scam - Brouillon d'un rêve


Distributor : Iota production