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Chez Paulette
Denys Piningre, Patrice Delabre
1997 - 53 min - Betacam SP - Couleur - France

Under careful and kind glance of their founder members, Paulette Picard and Pierre Cailleteau, the residents of the "Hespérides" association live in the old cheesemongery of Chissey-sur-Loue (Jura). It's said about them that if they had not found shelter there, at best they would be in the street and the worst some of them would be dead.
In the course of the meals and during the work done at home which allows them to live, the family accepted the camera and everyone, according to its own view, related the story of this "yard of miracles". Portrait of a group, portrait of people, the film shamelessly deals with the perpetuation of the community which is at one and the same time serene and flimsy.

Author-Director : Denys Piningre, Patrice Delabre
Delegate Producer : Les Productions de la Lanterne
Broadcasting Co-producer : Images Plus
Contribution : CNC


Distributor : Les Productions de la Lanterne
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