Code: Debugging the Gender Gap
Robin Hauser Reynolds
2015 - 80 min - HD - Couleur - États-Unis

Englisn summary
"At a time when jobs in the tech sector are outpacing growth in all other sectors, where are all the women? Some of the most important pioneer coders were women but today, only 15% of software engineers in Silicon Valley are. This lack of diversity can have serious consequences - as was the case with airbags, designed by and modelled on men and often fatal to women, whose smaller size wasn’t taken into account.
Selected for Tribeca, this film goes behind the glib statistics to find out why so few women work in computer sciences. Through interviews with successful women programmers at Pixar, Pinterest and Etsy, it looks at what can be done to encourage the next generation of women programmers."

Auteur-Réalisateur : Robin Hauser Reynolds
Image : Jon Blomgren
Montage : Christie Herring
Producteur délégué : Finish Line Features


Distributeur : Java Films
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