Like a Prisoner
Olivier Cousin
2016 - 17 min - Video Full HD - Couleur - France

March 2016. Calais is one of the hotspots of refuge of "the European fortress”, a place where thousands of people, without documents, crowd in, waiting, in search and hope for a normal life.
Ahmad and his friends fled the war in Syria. In the middle of a no man's land covered in rubbish and leftovers from the recent camp demolition, they are picking up wood. By showing pictures he took along the way, Ahmad recounts the war, its violence and drama - prison, torture, fear, bombings, deaths, hatred... He shares his disillusion of an inhospitable Europe, as he feels stuck between a harsh reality and incomplete dreams.
Ahmad was a physics teacher in Syria. He is currently studying French at the University of Lille, still awaiting international asylum protection.

Author-Director : Olivier Cousin
Photography : Olivier Cousin
Sound : Olivier Cousin
Editing : Khadicha Bariha
Delegate Producer : Olivier Cousin


Distributor : Olivier Cousin