creme fouettee
Crème fouettée et pépites de chocolat
Whipped Cream and Chocolat Chips
Laurent Marmol
2003 - 50 min - Beta numérique - Couleur - France

About the American dream. "To me, today's America is like whipped cream with many-coloured chocolate chips. On the one side, there's the whipped cream with its multicoloured chocolate chips symbolising cosmopolitan America and on the other side, there's the whip, that is to say the American government." Ajala King, an American singer.
This documentary film will guide you throughout the State of California which best embodies the American dream. There, you will meet people with unexpected dreams and ideals.

Author-Director : Laurent Marmol
Delegate Producer : 5e Planète
Broadcasting Co-producer : Images Plus
Contribution : CNC


Distributor : 5e Planète
Not commercial Distribution : ADAV
DVD Editing : L' Harmattan TV
VOD : Cinezime, L' Harmattan TV
Circulation-Consultation : Musée national de l'Histoire de l'immigration
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