From Garibaldi to Berlusconi, 150 years of Italian History
Enrico Cerasuolo
2011 - 118 min - HDCam - Couleur et Noir & Blanc - Italie, France

A century and a half after its unification, the paradox of Italy and the Italians remains: endowed with a young and fragile political identity, Italy nonetheless has a strong multi-faceted cultural identity and a very rich history.
This original take on Italian history attempts to decipher the contemporary world and its contradictions.

Author-Director : Enrico Cerasuolo
Photography : Ned Burgess, Nina Bernfeld, Paolo Rapalino
Sound : Fabio Coggiola, Gianluca Donati, Laurent Rodriguez, Paolo Rapalino
Editing : Marco Duretti, Ruben Korenfeld
Original Music : Gregorio Caporale
Delegate Producer : Zenit Arti Audiovisive
Co-producer : Les Films d'ici
Broadcasting Co-producer : ARTE France


Distributor : Les Films d'ici
Disponible au Club du doc


2012 - FIPA (Festival International de Programmes Audiovisuels), Biarritz (France) : Situations de la création française