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Phantoms of the Border
The Challenge of Freedom Dearly Paid. Série-Collection : Crossing the Line

DongKyun Ko, Hein S. Seok, Harkjoon Lee
2012 - 52 min - HDV - Couleur - France, Corée du Sud

On the border of China and North Korea, North Korean women are offered to Chinese brokers. They are sold on the human market to assure the subsistence of their remaining families. Becoming part of Chinese peasant families in the countryside, they work then in fields and on the farm and often become surrogate mothers.
If they are discovered by Chinese police, they are arrested and sent back to North Korea. For them, there is a real dilemma: "Is it better to abandon the child and run away or to continue as is?".


Distributor : ICTV Solférino Images-Quartier Latin
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