SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - There’s No Place Like Home
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2015 Reruns There’s No Place Like Home

There’s No Place Like Home ( A casa la noi )
Maxime Shelledy
2014 - France - Couleur - 36'

After losing the shelter of their makeshift squat by fire in 2008, around one hundred Romanian ‘Roms’ from Arad are temporarily parked in trailers on a lot provided by the city of Montreuil on the outskirts of Paris. Here they await acceptance in a rehousing program soon to be executed. Some hope for a home, others once again face an uncertain future. Among them, Ancuta and her family live this uncertainty day by day.

Photography : Maxime Shelledy
Sound : Amélie Boyé, Anne-Lise Carlo, Bénédicte Ober
Editing : Dominique Pâris
Production : Ateliers Varan
(contact@ateliersvaran.com, +33 (0)1 43 56 64 04)