SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - The Grocer’s Son, the Mayor, the Village and the World
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2021 Open air screenings The Grocer’s Son, the Mayor, the Village and the World

The Grocer’s Son, the Mayor, the Village and the World
Claire Simon
2020 - France - Couleur - 111'

It’s winter in the small village of Lussas, in the Ardèche, and the farmers are pruning their vines. Supported by Mayor Jean-Paul Roux, his former classmate Jean-Marie Barbe is embarking on a very unique endeavour: the creation of a subscription-based digital platform dedicated to creative documentary. Tënk, a kind of start-up with a rural quality, is born. Along with Jean-Marie, will the team meet the challenges posed by such a venture?

In the presence of the director.

Photography : Claire Simon
Sound : Virgile Van Ginneken, Elias Boughedir, Nathalie Vidal, Aline Gavroy
Editing : Luc Forveille
Production : Petit à Petit production, Les Films de la caravane, Clin d’œil films
Distribution : Nour films (psibourd@nourfilms.com)