SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Les Enfants terribles
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2021 Viewing experiences Les Enfants terribles

Les Enfants terribles
Ahmet Necdet Çupur
2021 - France/Turquie/Allemagne - Couleur - 87'

Les Enfants terribles plunges us into the daily life of a Turkish family, that of the director, in which young adults fight every day to assert their freedom and their independence in the face of a paternal authority anchored in traditional values. Here, Ahmet Necdet Çupur gives us an intimate portrait of a young generation ready to bring real change.

Photography : Ahmet Necdet Çupur, Lucie Baudinaud
Sound : Gürkan Özkaya
Editing : Mathilde Van De Moortel, Elif Uluengin, Nicolas Sublarti
Production : TS Productions, Jyoti Film, Liman Film, France Télévision, Al Jazeera Documentary Channel