SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - American Passages
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2021 Reruns American Passages

American Passages
Ruth Beckermann
2011 - Autriche - Couleur - 120'

American Passages reveals some of the movements in society which finally result in the election of Donald Trump. At the same time the film is an impressive road-traveling collage of the U.S. at the advent of the Obama era. Although the film was ostensibly made to honor Robert Frank‘s famed 1958 photo essay, The Americans, no knowledge of that work is necessary to grasp Beckermann’s aims: snapshot cinematic views of a massive country in a moment in time, spanning races, classes and geographies like a peripatetic anthropologist.” (Robert Koehler)

Photography : Lisa Rinzler, Antoine Parouty
Sound : Anatas Tcholakov, Matthew Dennis
Editing : Dieter Pichler
Music : Waitstill Baxter
Production : Ruth Beckermann Filmproduktion