SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Artavazd Pelechian, le cinéaste est un cosmonaute
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2018 Reruns Artavazd Pelechian, le cinéaste est un cosmonaute

Artavazd Pelechian, le cinéaste est un cosmonaute
Vincent Sorrel
2018 - France - Couleur et Noir & Blanc - 59'

Artavazd Pelechian produced a unique body of work because he thought of the making of his films like no other filmmaker. This film on his practice draws us into the filmmaker’s workshop, who kept reality at a distance, making it easier to approach images, in order to transform the world at his hand...

Photography : Vincent Sorrel
Sound : Vincent Sorrel
Editing : Éric Pellet
Production : Ardèche Images production