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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2022 Doc History: Revolution in Cuba Asamblea general

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Asamblea general
Tomás Gutiérrez Alea
1960 - Cuba - Noir & Blanc - 14'

On September 2, 1960, Fidel Castro proclaimed what is known today as the First Declaration of Havana. He denounces the “imperialist declaration of the OAS” and “the criminal intervention by the yankees on the peoples of America for more than a century.” “The filmmaker is a witness of the act. He has to deal with the text of the Declaration as something living, he has to be able to discover the relation between the Declaration and the collective will. He will show the current power of popular participation in public affairs not as an indistinguishable and depersonalised mass but as an accumulation of individuals.” Julio García Espinosa.

Photography : Camarógrafos del ICAIC
Sound : Departamento de Sonido del ICAIC
Editing : Ángel López
Production : ICAIC