SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Attraversare Roma (À travers Rome)
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2017 Memories of territories Attraversare Roma (À travers Rome)

Attraversare Roma (À travers Rome)
Aude Fourel
2013 - France - Noir & Blanc - 20'

This short film was made from tailing situations shot in Super 8 and from sound walks recorded in the city of Rome in 2010, 2011 and 2012. Walking and shooting across Rome aimed to search for the necessity that ties the geography between the gaps of the city, the movement of the walk and the movement of images. A work literally in progress focused on the walking exercise and the accumulation of video, sound and cinematic marks: so that Rome emerges, maybe…

Photography : Thomas Fourel, Aude Fourel
Sound : Aude Fourel, Thomas Fourel
Editing : Aude Fourel, Thomas Fourel
Production : Aude Fourel